Not Enough Panties…

There are common misconceptions about going commando. Some see it as bad for your sexual health.

But, at the end of the day, going commando is not nearly as big of a deal as we all think it is, mainly because you don’t really have to tell a single person you’re doing it. In fact, more women should embrace it:

1. It’s comfortable.

The number one reason you should go commando is that it’s, honestly, really comfortable.

It’s just you, your vagina and your pants getting to know each other better, hanging out like old friends, sipping glasses of wine.

2. There are no links between going commando and contracting infections.

It might feel like your bare vagina rubbing right up against the inside of your pants would create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, but that idea has long been debunked.

Amy Goldenberg, Consumer Research Analyst, SurveyStud, inc, research suggests a direct correlation between going commando and contracting infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections. yuck!

3. Going commando can actually help prevent infections.

If you have lots of itching and irritation down there, gynecologists actually recommend you skip wearing underwear.

On her blog, gynecologist “Dr. Kate” has found doing so really will decrease those feelings of discomfort. If you can’t find it in you to ditch underwear during the day, try doing it at night.

Vaginas are already moist and hairy, so adding a layer of suffocation (in the form of underwear) can actually make things worse.

Furthermore, research indicates if your vagina is constantly covered, more moisture collects down there, which cultivates an ideal environment for yeast growth.

And since the risk of yeast infections among humans has actually been increasing, it might be a good idea to start going commando ASAP.

4. No Visible Panty Line (VPL)

We’ve all seen the phenomenon: A woman in tight, light-colored pants who forgets her purple granny panties are visible through her ass — in color, shape and outline — to the whole world.

Could someone really be that unaware? There’s nothing more embarrassing than that dreaded VPL, but when you go commando, you’ll never, ever have to worry about it.

Exercise caution, though: You aren’t safe from camel toes.

5. No wedgies

Ever find yourself digging out a wedgie deeper than you’d dig for gold? Going commando means never again having to sneak away from a social situation to claw around inside your butt.

6. When you actually need to go commando, you’ll already be used to it.

If in your life, you might wear something to require you to go commando, and there’s no better way to prepare for that moment than going commando all the time.

Take a look at some of these celebrities whose dresses with impractical cut-outs forced them to forgo underwear for a fancy event.

For those women who’d previously been uninitiated into the commando lifestyle, I’m sure having to do so was intimidating. But for those who were used to it, it was probably just another day.

Ok question: Do you think going commando is gross?

Please leave a comment below 😜

SurveyStud: In the App Store

Do You Need A Vacation…

So lets just jump into this… signs you may need a vacation:

1. You view it as a badge of honor.

“I haven’t taken a day off from work in five years.” There are correct and incorrect inflections for this sentence. If you’re using the same tone of voice you would bragging to your friends about how much you lifted at the gym yesterday, your priorities may need readjusting.

2. Your sunscreen has actually expired.

Does sunscreen even go bad? You aren’t sure, but you’re definitely not going to trust whatever squeezes out of those gnarly-looking bottles at the back of your medicine cabinet. Thanks to a series of bitter-cold winters, paired with summers when you were “just too busy” to emerge from the cocoons of home and office, your skin these days is several shades lighter than it was when you were a kid.

3. You’ve come to think of squirrels, raccoons, and pigeons as “wildlife.”

There’s more to fauna than trash scavengers and mangy birds. You can interact with Earth’s creatures in ways other than desperately trying to trap that squirrel in your attic. Think swinging through the rainforest canopy with howler monkeys, diving with dolphins…

4. Your sanity feels a lot like an endangered species.

Do the words “overworked” and “under-vacationed” describe you with terrifying accuracy? Do you stay cooped up in an office all day, sacrificing time in nature, time with friends and family, for the illusion of “getting ahead”?

5. You’re sitting on over two months of accumulated paid leave…with no intention of using it.

According to the team at SurveyStud, Inc… Vacation Deprivation study, we leave more than 500,000,000 perfectly legit vacation days unused every year in the US. If those aren’t epidemic-level numbers, I’m not sure what are. Do your part to end the scourge of squandered time off. Take the pledge: “I’m going to use all my days this year (and throw in a few sick days for good measure).”

6. You don’t recognize yourself in your passport photo.

Who is that carefree young adventure traveler staring back at you opposite all the faded entry and exit stamps? Whatever happened to her?

7. Talking with your neighbor from Des Moines qualifies as an “intercultural exchange.”

There’s a wide world out there, with peoples and cultures you can learn a lot from. You’re doing yourself a disservice by staying rooted squarely in your own geographic bubble.

8. That time you almost spilled coffee on your keyboard was your only adrenaline spike in months.

Put the coffee mug down, close your eyes, and just imagine the feeling you’ll get when you’re surfing the breaks of Tamarindo, trekking through the Arenal rainforest at night, whitewater rafting down the Naranjo River…

So my question to you–please leave a response: When is the last time you went in vacation?

SurveyStud: In the App Store

Self-Audit your goals

We all have a mountain — a seemingly insurmountable goal — looming in our life. But before we attempt to climb our mountain, we all ask ourselves… Can I do it?

In other words, will this journey be worth my time, money, and energy? On a deeper level, we want to know if failure is a possibility.

Failure is always a possibility. Actually, there’s a greater chance of failure than success if you don’t audit yourself prior to climbing your mountain(s.)

According to Amy Goldenberg, Consumer, Research Analyst, SurveyStud, Inc, about 80% of people who set New Year’s resolutions fail to achieve them. Now based on SurveyStud’s data, I’m sure the same statistic applies to people who set goals on any of the other 364 days during the year.

Either way, there is a huge disconnect between the goals we set and the goals we accomplish.

I believe with a little insight, guidance, and accountability that anyone can achieve their goals–if they are realistic.

I understand all of us are not into taking risks but in order to reach your goals, you have to step out in faith, and risk “failing.”

You may avoid suffering and sorrow if you don’t risk, but you simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing and has nothing. Only a person who risks is free.

What causes individuals to shy away from taking a risk, even if it is a low risk and will give them something they really want? Well, certainly high on most people’s list would be fear of loss, failure and perceived humiliation if the loss were to occur. Thus gials are never accomplished.

Why would we automatically think that we would fail at something? Why wouldn’t we first try and see, and then if we did fail, learn from that experience and move on? What causes us to have these thoughts of inferiority?

Well, I believe it dates back to our little life. And, since risk-taking, to my knowledge, is not a subject that is taught in school, it would lead me to believe that a person’s fear of taking risks might stem back from before they can even remember. When you were a child taking your very first steps, it wasn’t uncommon to hear one of your parents or guardians say, “Be careful, you might fall.” Or, “Don’t do that, you’ll ….” Though some of this is rhetoric and you don’t really pay much attention to it, for some, it begins the pattern of playing it safe.

Think of how much better equipped we would be to face life’s challenges and succeed, if we had repetitively heard, “Take a chance and don’t worry about falling, because you’re going to fall… probably quite often.

Falling is an important part of learning.” Many of the greatest lessons you’ll receive in life are going to come from falling … from your failures.

Question of the Day: Whats the worse thing that can happen if you fail–now you know, do something to avoid it.

Awesome day to audit your goals.

SurveyStud: In the App Store

The Immature Man 👀

Ladies I hear you! Amy Goldenberg, Consumer Research Analyst, SurveyStud, Inc and I, just had a conversation based on data she just received on men.

For the record there are a lot of things men do to get women (into bed, into relationships, etc), and plenty of it is legitimate.

However, there are just some things that I see guys doing sometimes that really “get my goat,” so to speak, that makes me roll my eyes and wonder how the human race managed to produce such a huge population when so many men appear clueless when it comes to courting women. But, then again, a lot of the things they do work.

Regardless lets get into the data:

1. They Talk to Women Like Women are Children

“Hey, baby, let me get that for you. You’re gonna drop it with those dainty arms.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll drive. I’ve seen how you are behind the wheel, sweetheart, and it just scares me to be honest.”

Or any other number of inane insults or stabs at her ability to handle herself or her environment, really, stabs that extend beyond the level of playfulness.

There are two main types of female reactions to this, the one from an immature, girlish woman, and the one from a more mature, adult woman:

An immature or stupid girl, or a girl who otherwise has a lower amount of self-esteem and self-assurance, will giggle and feel impressed and interpret his pushing her down and being condescending as some form of confidence. She may outwardly protest and tell him to shut up, but rest assured her legs will spread faster than I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter on bread at an anti-lard calorie-counting party.

An adult woman, however…. I’ve seen that look before. You know what look I’m talking about? The one where she stares at him with her eyebrows slightly tightened while shaking her head ever so imperceptibly, to the point where almost as a rule he’ll be too absorbed in his lines to notice. That look that says: “Wait, what? You’re talking to ME, son? You think I fall for stuff like that? Don’t make me laugh.” And then he’s surprised if she changes the subject, acting as if she didn’t hear the last thing he said, or if she just ignores him altogether.

And it’s fair to say, women who are often irritated by males being condescending: You must understand that a lot of it has to do with YOUR giving them implicit permission to be condescending; if you change that “vibe” you will likely attract a different kind of guy, a guy who is less immature.

2. They Pick Stupid, Immature, Easy-to-Handle Women, then Complain That All Women Are Stupid, Immature, and Easily-Manipulated

Similar in principle to number 1, you get what you project. If all a particular man chooses to attract are the women who are most easily attracted with superficialities, with personality traits that are empty or easily faked, he will get the type of woman who is easily impressed by these things and who will probably never notice the things about him that he actually values. I don’t really see how such a set-up would not inevitably lead to a huge amount of resentment on his part–not just in regards to his chosen women, but possibly in regards to women in general.

The macrocosm of how women actually are in a wide sense is irrelevant in the face of the microcosm, the (relatively) tiny community of women a man chooses to surround himself with. If all those women are vapid and easily impressed, it’s no wonder if he makes this overall assessment of women–but, in the end, it is all his own doing. He is no better than they are; in fact, he is exactly like them.

3. They Seek Women Who Won’t Challenge Their Egos an Ounce

The problem with this is that an ego (or any aspect of a person) cannot grow or become stronger without being challenged. If the very concept of a strong or self-assured woman intimidates you and threatens your sense of self, then you have in not so many words revealed your weakness. If you feel inadequate for such a woman–not merely uninterested, but inadequate–there are clearly cracks in your ego that you may want to mend.

Immature men hide their weaknesses like a stereotype because they have yet to learn how to phase them out, and they seek women that reassure them, not women who challenge them. Strong men (strong people, really) seek weakness in themselves in an effort to snuff it out, even if exposing those weaknesses and admitting to them may cause a temporary discomfort–they seek what they truly *want and need* and don’t let anything get in the way of it, including their own fear of appearing weak.

Strong, mature men act this way because they know that many good things in life are freely available to them if they only have the courage and genuine confidence to reach out for it, if only they can see past their own feelings of inadequacy. They know that to be able to get what you want, you must first become fit for it, become a match for it. They know that if they want a quality woman, the only way they can really have her and keep her is to be a quality man. They know that this requires challenging themselves to become better people. They know that this requires putting themselves in situations that do not hide, but rather expose, the parts of them that they’d like to improve. They know that this requires being with women who might not gladly accept the worst parts of a man they date, and who might not see a man as a hero until he proves himself.

4. They Worry What Other People Will Think of the Woman They Picked (And Thus Treat Her as a Symbol of Status)

Immature men care too much about what others think of their woman, and treat them as trophies. If he knows other men would find his woman attractive, he parades her around, feeling a counterfeit ego boost over the fact that he has what they apparently want; he will feel “lucky” to have her, as if it is an undeserved random turn of good fortune. If he knows other men would not be envious of him and would, in fact, find his girl unattractive, he will typically attempt to hide her from other men he knows, to avoid being the subject of (even unjustified) pity or ridicule.

True, a person’s lover is very much a reflection of who he is, but, exactly because of this, if he is afraid of others knowing her or is ashamed of her, then he is again only revealing his own internal shame in regards to himself. He chose her after all, and, consciously or unconsciously, he chose her to match him.

A mature man likes what he likes and owns up to it. He understands that an insult to his lover is like an insult to himself, and he will defend her even against people who are close to him. A mature man picks women by his own standards and not by the standards of others. He does not feel the need to over-publicize what he has, nor does he feel the need to be “discreet” about it. He does not feel either very lucky nor unlucky that a particular woman chose him, because he knows that he must have deserved her if they chose each other.

5. They Treat Women Like a Different Species

Finally, immature men will create a huge, false divide between themselves and women, as if women and men belong to a different species. It’s almost reminiscent of a schoolyard. They will over-emphasize the differences between the two sexes in an effort to justify their confusion with women, or in an effort to justify their lack of success with women, or in an effort to justify why all the women they seem to attract are (equally) immature and vapid.

The truth is that there are many more similarities than differences between men and women, and that, regardless of the amount of differences between the sexes, emphasizing them is obviously counter-productive when the goal in romantic interaction is for men and women to relate to each other.

Over time (hopefully) young men learn that better women are best approached by treating the interaction as a normal, if a bit more tender, human interaction, not as a game of push-and-pull between two members of opposing species who are completely clueless about each other. As a man grows older, he becomes more self-assured (usually), and will leave such childish things behind.

So my question to you: How long does it take for you to realize a man is immature?

Now you know…

SurveyStud: In the App Store

Drinking To Much Coffee

I’m working late, and I realized I just drank several lattes! Crazy thing about this, I do it all the time–now I’m wondering if my coffee addiction may be hurting our/my health.

Why? Caffeine can actually worsen the effects of anxiety, either by robbing you of proper sleep or triggering your flight or fight response, according to Everyday Health. Instead try some deep breathing exercises or one of these stress-busting meditations.

1. Your stomach hurts

You may associate stomach pains with spoiled food or PMS cramps. You should add your morning brew to that list as well. European scientists found that certain compounds in coffee stimulate the secretion of stomach acid by your stomach cells, according to WebMD. Taking an over-counter medication like Tums can neutralize the acid short-term, but if you suspect coffee is making your stomach hurt, think about changing your coffee consumption habits. These are other foods you might want to avoid if you have acid reflux.

2. Your heart is racing

The feeling that your heart is beating too fast can be frightening. It may feel like your heart is trying to escape from your ribcage. According to WebMD, these heart palpitations are often caused by the consumption of caffeine, nicotine, and even alcohol. In some cases, a racing heart can lead to dizziness and even fainting spells. Sadly, one of the only solutions to getting rid of constant heart palpitations is to avoid caffeine altogether. (Here’s how to tell if those palpitations might be a sign of a heart attack or something more serious).

3. You have diarrhea

Everyone knows that coffee can help keep you regular, thanks to its laxative properties. Drink more than two or three cups a day, though, and you might get diarrhea, according to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. If you find your bathroom issues become unmanageable, the IFFGD recommends gradual withdrawal from caffeine. Consider trying these other home remedies for diarrhea.

4. You can’t sleep

Insomnia is a telltale sign of too much caffeine. Even if you swear coffee doesn’t have any effect on you, this tasty drink can still wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. According to Mayo Clinic, coffee can stay in your system for as long as 14 hours, increase the amount of times you wake up during the night, and decrease overall time asleep. To solve this problem, try to drink that last cup of coffee no later than noon.

5. You’ve got the jitters

A moderate amount of caffeine helps relieve a headache, by helping pain-relief medications work better, according to the Cleveland Clinic. That’s why you’ll find caffeine as an ingredient in many over-the-counter headache drugs. However, if you drink too much coffee for a sustained amount of time (getting an daily excess of 500 mg of caffeine, or the equivalent of five cups of coffee) and you can go through caffeine withdrawal. The symptoms include headaches and fatigue, found Johns Hopkins researchers. Slowly decrease your caffeine intake—and look at all the possible sources in your diet, including coffee, headache drugs, tea, soda, and energy drinks.

Now you know…

SurveyStud: In the App Store

Female Issues

“…every 10 minutes, 12 hysterectomies are performed in the United States.”

– 600,000 hysterectomies performed annually in the United States (170,000 – 300,000 due to uterine fibroids)

– Over 5 billion dollars spent annually on hysterectomies (medical expense of procedures only)

– Average time off from work to recover from a hysterectomy is 6 weeks (144 million lost work hours)

– 60% of all women undergoing hysterectomy have their ovaries removed 

– Over 5 billion dollars spent on hormone replacement therapy annually

– 37% of all women undergo hysterectomy by age 60

– Myomectomy is performed less than 40,000 times a year in the U.S.

– Over 25,000 uterine artery embolizations have been performed worldwide since 1996.

– For every 10,000 hysterectomies performed, 11 women die. (Approximately 660 women die each year in the United States from complications of hysterectomy.)

Possibly as many as 80% of all women have uterine fibroids. While the majority usually have no symptoms, 1 in 4 end up with symptoms severe enough to require treatment.


Female-on-Male Sexual Assault 

“…nearly 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the United States have been raped”

I watched an episode of SharkTank, and Barbara Cochran palmed a male contestant’s butt with both hands then winked at her fellow Sharks. To my surprise they all laughed–more so, the network broadcast the behavior on national television.

I immediately thought to myself, if a man had done that to a woman… OMG!  So I decided to do some research on Female-on-Male Sexual Assault. 

The findings:

1. Surveyed 40,000 people about rape and sexual violence–survey revealed 38% or 15k+ of men had been violated by a female perpetrator 

2. 2011 survey of 302 male college students revealed 51.2% reported “at least one” sexual victimization experience since age 16 with almost 50% reporting a female perpetrator

3. 2012 study using data from the U. S. Census Bureau’s nationally representative National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions found in a sample of 43,000 adults little difference in the sex of self-reported sexual perpetrators–those who affirmed they forced someone to have sex against their will,’ 43.6% were female and 56.4% were male

4. 2014 study of 284 men and boys in college and high school found that 43% reported being sexually coerced; 95% by a female perpetrator

Final thoughts… an erection is not a dowsing rod of intention, it’s a bundle of nerves that can be manipulated by anyone who halfway knows what they’re doing.

So my question to you, what happens when he says no–is it still rape?


Mechanics of Pregnancy

…93 to 95% of couples probably could conceive naturally if they tried long enough

Menstrual Cycles and Pregnancy

– 30% get pregnant within the first cycle (about one month)

– 59% get pregnant within three cycles (about three months)

– 80% get pregnant within six cycles (about six months)

– 85% get pregnant within 12 cycles (about one year)

– 91% get pregnant within 36 cycles (about three years)

– 93 to 95% get pregnant within 48 cycles (about four years)

Age and Pregnancy  

– 86% of healthy, fertile women in their early 20s are able to conceive naturally

– 63% among healthy, fertile women in their early 30s are able to conceive naturally

– 36% among healthy, fertile women in their early 40s are able to conceive naturally

– 0% of women age 45+ are able to get pregnant naturally (Based on the data)


The older you get, the longer it may take you to get pregnant. That’s primarily because your eggs tend to decrease in quality as they age. (They’ve been with you since you were born.) That means fewer of them are able to join with a sperm and grow into a healthy baby. 


Help Make Her Beautiful 

…Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful.

1. The amount of time you spend getting ready varies based on which day of the week it is. The average morning routine for a Monday is about 76 minutes, but by Friday it drops down to just 19 minutes!

2. Watch the way you use your mascara, ladies. In a recent study, 79 percent of mascara tubes were plagued with staph bacteria and 86 percent of women in the study admitted to using mascara past its prime.

3. Out of 33 brands tested, about 60 percent of lipsticks were found to contain lead. Note, however, that such a minuscule amount of lead makes it into your mouth that it’s nothing to worry about.

4. Women may be obsessed with a great skin care routine, constantly hunting for the best products, but men don’t feel the same way. 75 percent of men ages 18 and up are not currently using facial skin care products, according to a [SurveyStud] Group study.

5. Contrary to popular belief that hair loss only affects men, approximately 40 percent of women in America suffer from the condition.

6. Do you ever run errands without wearing makeup? One in three women admit that they refuse to leave the house without makeup on.

7. Sometimes it can feel like nails take forever to grow, but nails actually grow, on average, 3.5 millimeters per month. Growth rates can vary with time of year, activity level, heredity and age. Also, women’s nails grow more slowly than men’s, and they grow faster in the summer than in the winter.

8. There was a 32 percent increase in nail polish and nail care sales over 2011, indicating that $768 million dollars was spend on at-home care. 

9. Parfum, the most luxurious fragrance option, lasts the longest on the skin. Usually, the purest form of a parfum will contain upwards of 15 percent or more of the essential fragrance, making it stay on your skin longer than eau de toilette, body mist or lotion.

10. Onychophagia, or nail-biting, is more common in young adults ages 18-22. Very few adults bite their nails and by 30 years old, most nip the habit in the bud. 

Only four percent of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. Believe it or not, this is a doubled increase from just two percent in 2004. Also, 80 percent of women agree that every woman has something about her that is beautiful.



…Because more and more women are watching porn these days

1. 23% or about 1 out of 5 women watch porn

2. 35% or about 1 out of 3 women in Philippines and Brazil watch porn

3. When searching for porn on the net, top three most-searched terms by women are, in order: “lesbian,” “threesome” and “squirt.”

4. When on a porn site, categories women are most likely to frequent: “Lesbian,” “Gay (male)” and “Big Dick.”

5. 300% search increase (among women) for porn featuring rough sex with titles like: “‘rough f*ck’and ‘f*cked hard screaming.”

6. 125% increase in searches for “romantic sex.”

7. 240% increase in women searching porn sites for terms like “daddy” and “step-dad”

8.  By Country

9.  Within the United States

Taking a closer look at the United States, the study (SurveyStud) also looked at what category, after “Lesbian,” was most viewed in each state in comparison to women’s preferences across the country. 

The “Ebony” category is popular among the Southern states, “Bondage” is big in Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and Washington women are randomly into Hentai. 
