Women NOT respected in Football.

…female NFL viewership has grew by 27%, much higher than the 18% growth for men. Yet when it comes to the “female” football league, women wear “bikinis,” as an uniform. Lets look at the numbers which suggest a need for change:

1. 45% of the NFL’s more than 150 million American fans are women

2. 35% of NFL regular-season games are viewed by woman

3. 43% of NFL games are attended by women

4. Regular-Season female viewership is up 27%

5. Superbowl Sunday female viewership is up 15%

6. Sunday Night female viewership is up 25%

7. Thursday Night female viewership is up 32%

8. 85% of licensed NFL merchandise purchasing is by woman

9. Since 2004, the number of adult women watching NFL games on ESPN has increased 60% — higher than the 47% ratings gains NFL games have experienced on ESPN during that time.

… the numbers indicate women are serious about the sport–so why are “we” not up in arms about the way women are sexualized in the female league?

SurveyStud: https://appsto.re/us/Ddj18.i

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